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All Students

Can Thrive

“If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”

—Albert Einstein

Because I believe that all students have gifts and talents and CAN thrive if given the right learning environment that meets their individual needs.

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Meeting Your Student’s Needs

My greatest passion is helping students overcome learning obstacles and gain confidence in themselves. I love delving into who each student is, what their strengths and weakness are, and where their passion lies. My hope is that I can help find the unique learning path that will lead students to be all that they can be.

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No two learners are the same.


Learning with Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia are bright students who are capable of so many amazing things. Because their brains have been working inefficiently when it comes to reading, they need direct and specific instruction that teaches the brain to read more effectively. We can build this new, more efficient pathway with multi-sensory instruction that is systematic and success-oriented.

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Helping Students Learn from Home

Homeschooling can be a wonderful adventure for the whole family but it can also be stressful and confusing. Which curriculum do I pick? Why isn’t my child learning like I expected? What can I do to bring back the joy to our schooling? I would love to help answer these questions for you.

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I wanted the best for my children and struggled to figure out what that looked like. Over the years I’ve gained the experience to be able to assist you in thinking outside the box to help your student succeed.


Time to Get in Touch?