The Test of Dyslexia is a comprehensive assessment of dyslexia with a battery of tests in three areas.

1) Reading and Spelling- these are skills that are negatively impacted by dyslexia.

Subtests include:

Sight Word Acquisition

Phonics Knowledge


Basic Reading Skills
Reading Fluency

Decoding Efficiency

Reading Comprehension Efficiency

2) Linguistic Processing- these are abilities that underlie the development of reading and writings skills. Poor performance in these areas indicates that the student is at risk of dyslexia.

Subtests include:

Phonological Awareness
Orthographic Processing
Auditory Working Memory
Rapid Automatized Naming


Over the course of 2 sessions, I will administer assessments the appropriate sections of the test. Within 2 weeks of test administration, you will receive a detailed written report customized for your child. It will include the probability that your child has dyslexia, their specific areas of strength and weakness, and detailed recommendations for helping your child with their specific learning needs.

3) Vocabulary & Reasoning- These are abilities that do not require reading or spelling. Comparing these results with the results from the other two areas is useful in diagnosing dyslexia.


